
                         High-Quality: Details 
20 Jun 18: Thank you for the superb resume portfolio! It opened numerous job opportunities for me in Columbus, Ohio. Happy to report I start my                           first full-time job in 2 weeks after graduating college with a BA in DHS Forensic Intelligence Analysis. (Morgan J.)
7 Aug 18: Thank you for reviewing my resume with superb attention to detail. Additional keywords made it stand-out better. (Irina S.)
29 Sep 18: I didn't know what to expect when I forwarded my resume to you for review. Your attentiveness exceeded all expectations! (Dan B.)
15 Nov 18: Took my average resume and made me sound like a seasonal professional! (Becky S.)
19 Jan 19: Wow! Excellent Work. I am totally blown away. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (Philip H.)
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